KC GROUP - Şehr-i Bazaar - Şehri Bedesten Alışveriş Merkezi (İstanbul)

Project Informations

Project Name: Şehr-i Bazaar

Employer: TOKİ

Time: 2006


Area: 17.669m²

Identity: HOUSE

Project Definiton: TİCARETİN YENİ ADI

Project: Istanbul Bahcesehir made by KC Group, Sehr-i Bazaar Bahcesehir project at a new understanding of the city is the commercial areas of life. Sehr-i Bazaar, a major shortcoming of this region to respond, will offer the ease of meeting the needs of people in their own neighborhoods. Sehr-i Bazaar, on 17,669 m2 of Sehr-i Bazaar, Sehr-i Sadabad West, Sehr-i Sadabad East, West and Sehr Sehr-i Bazaar-i Bazaar East, including a giant commercial center consisting of 5 separate sections. KC Group, the sectoral distribution of the giant trade center store up to 176 pieces designed with detail.

Sehr-i Bazaar project, a commercial center is far from ordinary, every kind of comfort and security equipment to deliver 1st class quality of the material nature. Closed-circuit security system, 24-hour security, photocell security areas, and addressable fire alarm system, fully hygienic living spaces, heating and air conditioning systems, built-in telephone exchange for talks Sehr-i Bazaar 'as offered by some of the features offered.

Modeling work done in this project over the store brand Pinar GÜNSEVEN kiramala, kiracısıyla shop was selling the work.